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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Domain Names As Phone Numbers?

By Duane J. Higgins, ceo
Are "Phonames" next?

There is an interesting news piece that appeared in media outlets around the Internet on January 30, 2014 titled:
"U.S. Seeks trials to test transition to digital phone networks"

The news article talks about how "U.S. wireless providers like AT&T Inc and Verizon Communications Inc on Thursday received a nod from regulators to test a transition of the telephone industry away from traditional analog networks to digital ones."

(also how)

"The Federal Communications Commission unanimously voted in favor of trials, in which telecommunications companies would test switching telephone services from existing circuit-switch technology to an alternative Internet protocol-based one to see how the change may affect consumers."

Now what does that article have to do with Internet domain names you might ask?

The answer may be in my blog post dated May 16, 2013 titled:

"Alternative Uses For Internet Domain Names"

In that (May 2013) blog post I'm referring to a 2006 prospectus that I wrote and remains on file at the University of Maines' Target Technology Incubator. The prospectus is in regards to a project describing utilizing Internet domain names for VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) over the DNS (Domain Name System):

Two excerpts from that (May 2013) blog (that are actually from my 2006 prospectus) are here:

...the establishment of a private, secure, proprietary 1.) Domain Name Registry 2.) VOIP Communications and 3.) Mobile Platform Network that is a new use for existing technologies that will be widely adopted and allow for tight integration of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and DNS (Domain Name System) technologies. This will be a closed private network utilizing proprietary domain name system and registry technologies and proprietary mobile platform that will be VOIP enabled.

Rather than using telephone numbers, it will capitalize on a private (domain name) registry that provides a proprietary/private domain extension. The user will select an alpha numeric (domain name) that will replace the telephone number and be used on the secure network. The user will be able to select their own personalized (domain name) that will ultimately become as popular as email addresses and telephone numbers. The proprietary mobile platform and domain name registry (with proprietary extension) will also be available for license to cellphone/mobile providers.

So, back to the aforementioned article regarding a transition from traditional analog networks to digital (Internet) networks.

Did Federal regulators just move us all one step closer to my 2006 prediction of VOIP communicatons over the DNS (Domain Name System) and using domain names as phone numbers?

As I have mentioned before, I am not a technologist, programmer, IT specialist or anything of the like. So I really don't have the slightest idea how the technology aspect would work in the real world. Some people would say that I know just enough to be dangerous. However, I did find at least one person who was thinking along similar lines. This was posted on another site two weeks ago regarding the next step technology to pull this off.

The post is titled "Domain Names As Phone Numbers":

Also, if any of you are thinking at this point that this is all pure craziness -I wanted to mention that this (VOICE over DNS) has all been done experimentally before. You will find some of that information here:

In closing, I would add that there are likely still some regulatory hurdles to overcome regarding my 2006 prediction of using Internet domain names as phone numbers. In fact, the last I knew using VOIP over the DNS would be frowned upon by the FCC. However, the new FCC trials regarding potentially switching to digital (Internet Protocol) telephone networks may be more of a harbinger of things to come than anyone can imagine.

That is until now.

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